In the IT-sector a lot of money can be saved if appropriate hardware is used for each specific task. For many standard applications, the new equipment that is on offer will be over dimensioned. This is an interesting fact for private users, organisations, public administrations etc. With tested quality products from ReUse-Computer, tried and tested hardware can be put to good use again at a reasonable price.
Additional savings are possible by combining ReUse hardware with licence-free software. If sustainable products are considered, then despite the need for savings it is still possible to make those necessary investments.
Less is more - Does an office computer have to run with the latest 3 Ghz chip from Intel P4, or a 3.2 GHz AMD Athlon 4200+ ? Here are some facts: The IDLING/FULL LOAD energy consumption of a Intel P4 is 114/192 watt. An AMD ATHLON needs 136/173 watt for operation. An Intel P3 (1 Ghz) “settles” for 35/60 Watt. Conclusion: You can cut your power consumption by two-thirds and save money if you ignore the speed race and use an older computer for a longer period.
ReUse-appliances reduce investment requirements without restricting performance; and they are a sign of modern, environmentally-aware economic attitudes.